Friday 22 November 2019

Tuesday 19 November 2019


Today we did some writing and, as you know we put it on our blog. The topic we did was spring. What I enjoyed was writing and that's all I really did. What I did not enjoy was how I had to get an old picture because my camera did not work.
What I found challenging was nothing really, but anyway ENJOY!

Tuesday 12 November 2019

pick a path

Today at Maniakalani we made a pick a path story and my buddy(Tulson) chose a homer one. What I enjoyed was finishing it and I also enjoyed a tiny bit on the way. What  I found challenging was the confusing stuff that got me all muddled up. What I did not enjoy was nothing. But anyway enjoy!

Tuesday 5 November 2019

NOT FAKE postcard

Today we made a FAKE post stamp, and I did mine in Canada, in my opinion, I think it turned out pretty good. What I enjoyed was making a nice pose, finding the background, and writing. What I did not enjoy was really nothing to be onsite. What I found challenging was the writing was actually was word art and I had to duplicate it and write and as it goes on.

Wednesday 30 October 2019

Tank Trouble

For cyber smart, we  made a tank coding game (but we did the code and you don't do the code)
I made mine as a maze and I choose a black tank when there were other types of tanks, like blue ones, gray ones, orange ones, and green ones. What I enjoyed was the satisfaction of finishing and completing my maze. Another thing I also enjoyed was having a try at my maze and along the way, but I had to fix up some things. What I did not enjoy was having to go through the steps and when my tank did not work I had to look back at all the coding to see what was wrong. What I found challenging was figuring out which one was the right block to fit in to make it work.
But when you get to the end of the maze, you can try to get back to the start of you like.¨But if you maybe hit a bush somewhere it might lose you the game, you also use the left-right up-down arrow keys to move and there is a little soccer game if you find a really long path that leads to it.
But anyway enjoy it!

Tuesday 15 October 2019

Mihi Maker game

This is my coding game, this took a lot of time and effort to complete this but in the end, it felt really good!
What I found challenging was the coding and all the instructions to follow.
But what I enjoyed was when it worked and I finished which felt like a dream come true!
Thanks for viewing my blog!

Friday 27 September 2019

skull island

We did workshops not long ago from now some kids in the neighborhood and I signed up for reading workshops called SKULL island and we had to figure out which place goes where. What I enjoyed was coloring in and figuring out what goes in what places. And what I did not enjoy was all the thinking that we had to stuff up in our head and try to remember it.

Monday 23 September 2019


This is my powtoon as you can see I´ve spent a little while on this and by the look of things it turned out pretty well. What I enjoyed was having the chance to do a powtoon and when you´re finished it feels pretty good.
What I found challenging was trying to get a picture and it´s rather not there or you have to pay for it.
But anyway, enjoy it!

Tuesday 17 September 2019

speech recording

This is my speech recording (just a warning some parts of it might go wrong.)

Thursday 5 September 2019


(This is how it would be i´d I read it.)Hey guys breaking frisbee news the other day I was at the park and I saw a frisbee getting bigger and bigger suddenly it hit me. I’m going to tell you why laughter is really important part in life.But who doesn't like laughter? Laughter is really good for you I´ll tell you why later, now how it happens.
How do we laugh what is it about.It starts off when you hear or see or hear something that's funny. That causes a electrical current that goes through your brain which make 15 mussles in your face contract, you then begin to gasp.If your laughing really really hard your tummy starts to hurt and your eyes water up.
How do we laugh what is it about.It starts off when you hear or see or hear something that's funny. That causes a electrical current that goes through your brain which make 15 mussles in your face contract, you then begin to gasp.If your laughing really really hard your tummy starts to hurt and your eyes water up.
What I mean by laugh to death, is that you can actually laugh yourself to death.  Yes itś true Instances of death by laughter have been recorded from the times of ancient Greece to the modern day. In Ice age dawn of the dinosaurs, the heroes cross a "Chasm of Death" filled with gas fumes that  cause uncontrollable laughter, ofren killing those who try to cross the chasm.Also in batman the joker often kills his victims using a poison that causes an uncontrollable fatal laughter.
Scientist reckon that you have to get tickled by surprise that what really make you laugh, but have you ever tried to tickle yourself for me its just giving myself a good old scratch.Because it really doesn't make me laugh.Normally it's pointless.Some people aren't ticklish because some parts of their body are not sensitive at all.But you might be ticklish on one part of your body and another part wasn't So say if your really ticklish on your feet and not ticklish at all in you arm pits.
Just remember laughter can go a long way because laughter is an instant vacation.And as Maurice Chevalier said “You don’t stop laughing because you grow older and you grow older because you stop laughing”.Oh yeah like that time when a bottle of coke   smashed me in the face, luckily it was a soft drink,


Wednesday 4 September 2019

calendar art

Today we got to choose to do zentangle or pastel art(I obviously chosen pastel) At the end, I really think it turned out pretty good.What I enjoyed was that we got to do art for once in a while because we don really do art that much and it was really fun.What I did not enjoy was, if you just did a really good blend and you go and do another, and then I pull my arm up and found that it was all smudged up.But life has it´s challenges.And then again I really enjoyed it.

parking meter

Today,my maths class and I did parking meter maths(which might be abit useful in later life.)What I really enjoyed was that it was quick math, and we normally do different topics each time and as you know this topic was, a parking meter topic.What I did not enjoy was really nothing because we just did the math in our group book and then we put it onto my blog.
This was the question, In parking meters downtown, you can get 15 minutes parking for 50 cents.Dad put $3.50 into the parking meter at 3.15pm. what time did the parking expire, now to how we really solved it well if you had really exmly good eye you could see it in the picture up there but here we go, first we notice that there were 7 50 cents and we then did 15 x 7=105 so we got 45 minutes and pulsed it with the time and got 5:00

Tuesday 3 September 2019

polyline profile pic

This is my polyline profile pic, as you can see I look like a man when I´m really 11.I enjoyed doing all the clicking to get the boxes up and colored.(because I like clicking)and I really like how it turned out.What I did not enjoy was when I was making the box to color it in and it then come out as a line.

Wednesday 14 August 2019


On Wednesday there was a big pile of rubbish lying on the ground Some types of rubbish were phones, batteries, can's, bottles There is just too much to explain, I was really shocked maybe even surprised because I was not really expecting something like this to see in a winter morning.At first I really wondered what it was until I realized.So maybe a day or two, maybe even that day we made a emoji to show how we were feeling when we saw that pile of rubbish.You can obviously tell how I was feeling in the top left picture over there. (I made this picture a bit big so you could see the stuff in it.)

Wednesday 7 August 2019


Today at cybersmart we made a piktochart about  netiquette and I did mine camping them and it turned out pretty well.

Friday 5 July 2019

Playground problems (Conflict)

I think that this is the best powtoon I have done because it is WAY better than the other ones.What I really liked is making all the slides and this one really has music!
A thing that I didn't like was being frustrated about the lag that happened to me and that's what made it take longer to make my 8 slides.What I found challenging is the time and effort I had to put in to it.

Private information.

Monday 1 July 2019

Conflict in the playground.

This is my conflict in the playground that I did with a buddy.I really enjoyed making the tiny people (with some help too) and watching a tiny movie to get some ideas of what we should write down.

Thursday 27 June 2019

What's at the bottom of the sea?(reading)

 This is my what's at the bottom of the sea.What I really liked is drawing my dumbo octopus and my underwater city gard br a giant great white shark.What I found cellenging is trying to not rub out the thing that I don't like so it won't affect my coloring in with watercolor pencils.What I did not like was trying to think of the answer to right down in my reading book.Reading is actually my favorite subject because I like doing all the drawings to save into my book for a lifetime.And another thing I like is seeing how great it really is when I'm finished and on the way seeing how much progress I've made too.

Tuesday 25 June 2019

Tuesday 18 June 2019

Very much good maths

This Is my wonderful peace of paper  that is touch down right in my book. well let's get into the awesome stuff now...
So what I found funnest of all was the times tables.I really like them because I am good at them and this time they are big two digits and one digits. What I found challenging was thinking of really doing the algorithm and putting the numbers up next to the two digits.
what I found easy was getting the answers from the question.So say:
73x7= ?
So I go 7x7=49 then add a zero to 490.
Then 7x3=21
I then go 21+ 490=511

Wednesday 12 June 2019

Others blogs

 This is all the stuff well not all the stuff about what other people has on their blogs.

Sunday 26 May 2019

Thursday 23 May 2019

ANZAC life

some time ago, the class and I writ about what it will be like living in the trenches some rats grew big as domestic cats, the conditions were harsh and in the trenches were dirt, mud, sand bags and no electricity.what I found challenging is that you had to find out what was actruly was in the war and figure out what it was like in there first.What I found easy is getting all the knowledge that I need and write it down on my book.what I found fun is reading how good it was when it was over and done with.    


Wednesday 22 May 2019

My foot stamp

Today for Manaiakalani the class and I made a digital footprint.
What I found fun was you got to choose what image you want to put on your footprint and going on line to search up what you want,what I also found fun is it looked really cool when your done and you'll be proud of yourself.
what I found challenging is you had to type up what you wanted and try to find the perfect one to fit on you footprint.
what I found easy is copying and pasting it onto my footprint because I'm good at that and overlapping.

Wednesday 8 May 2019

Public or private

Public or private

We are learning what is public and what is private and to keep personal with your family and relatives and what to share out with the world.
what I think I could Reflect on my piece of learning is double check with my family and see if their names want to be out in the public world.
I found this learning fun because we all got to go on a device and write down what is public and what is not.

Tuesday 7 May 2019

My dogs ages(maths)

We have been learning about maths and how to get 15 with 3 numbers and then try to get 45.
The dog question is easy and challenging at the same time I worked out 1+9+5=15 1x9=9x5=45.
What I found easy is multiplying all the number like 9,1 and 5 together and plussing them together and what I found challenging is working out in my head all the numbers ad adding them all up to get 45.What I think that will make it easier and less challenging is to work it out in my book first or make Garth and add up all the dogs ages.

Wednesday 3 April 2019

Monday 4 February 2019


This year I think it's going to be the BEST one yet in my life because I'm in Year 6!!😀😀

I think this might be a challenging year or maybe not because my brother said so.😒

I'm really looking forward to camp and math that is really challenging so I can learn more stuff and all the other learning like writing and reading.😎😎
I really wonder what the rest of the year would be for me in the future.👌
I'm really looking forward for the end of year prize giving so I could go up on stage and get an award or cup.
I can but can't wait till Week 5 because Tulson, Taine, Arlo and I are doing patrols together and it's going to be the best!!😘
I think Year 6 is the best because you get to be the role model of the school also known as Mangapapa School.And I'm looking forward to EOTC because we never had it last year.

So look out 2019 cause here I come.😆👍