Sunday 26 May 2019

cat themed STOP AND THINK


  1. hi, Finn, I really love how you put the top hats on the cats its really cute! and how you explained what you did. I also like tha nyan cat you added! it is a very good stop and think message. The next time you do something like this you should change the color of the text and maybe mess around with the fonts!

  2. Hey Finn,I love that you picked a cat theme and put hats on the cats it's very cute. I think you were right when you said it turned out really well.
    A suggestion is that maybe look in a dictonary before you write/type because pitchers is spelt pictures. Bye!

  3. I love how much color you pot on there and the cats wearing top hats.But I think you should check your spell before you post something on your blog.It was a great post thought.

  4. i love the mix of rainbow and cats with top hats

  5. I like the mix of cats with top hats and rainbows.

  6. nice finn keep it up bro :)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I like the way you hooked the reader with cats with top hats and added some learning.

  9. OMG finn it it it wow i mean i love it the cats and cats im hooked in when i saw it i was hooked in. i hope you like the feedback. :) :)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I really like the way you used characters in your post. I think the cats made it look really good and I also like the top hats on the cats. Maybe check you are using past tents and correct spelling

  12. Hi Finn, I really like how you explained your way of stop and think using cats. I like how you explained that you did this during a certain time in learning. Well done.

  13. Hi finn, I liked all the colour and the cats with top hats. My favourite cat photo was the cat that was thinking.(haha) . Before you post a blog check your spelling . I really liked your post. Mya

  14. Hi Finn, I love that it's got lots of colour and I like that the cats have top hats on. It's really creative. I like that you said it was for Manaiakalani. Next time you should check your spelling but thankyou for posting it😋

  15. Hi finn that is cool but check your spelling before you post something on your blog.=)

  16. Hi I am Jacob from Paroa School we are your buddy class for bloging I really like your post and your cat theme .Next time make your writing bigger.

  17. Hi I am Holly from paroa school.
    I really like the background and the cat theme because I love rainbows and the cats give it that hint of humor.
    You should stop and think before doing something or saying anything because you might do it wrong or say something hurtful.
    next time you may want to make the writing bigger so it easier to read


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